Search Results for: florida house

Why I Decided to Paint My Living Room White
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Why I Decided to Paint My Living Room White

If you’ve been around here for awhile then you know I’ve railed against boring blank white walls in rentals. I’ve complained about how rentals with white walls have no personality. I’ve suggested painting your walls even if you’re in a rental to make your place feel more like home. And then… I painted my living…

Good Stuff Saturday

Good Stuff Saturday

For a couple weeks I’ve been rounding up my favorite things and sharing them all in blog posts. I’m going to continue with that in the New Year with a series I’m called “Good Stuff Saturday” – Everything Good. For your convenience, there are affiliate links below. That means, at no additional cost to you, I…

Life Lately

Life Lately

Hey friends! I hope you had a great weekend! We took a spontaneous visit to Disney on Saturday only to be rained out. Both of my kids were more(hysterically) upset about being rained on than the fact that we were having to leave Disney. Ha! Then, yesterday Matt and I spent some time putting up a glass shower…