Halloween Cupcakes: Spooky Graveyard Cupcakes
One of my favorite parts about this time of year is the fun Halloween decorating. I’m not big on scary but I love cute with a touch of spooky. How about you? Well you are in for a spooky treat, because I’m sharing these cute little Graveyard Halloween Cupcakes. They are the cutest little sweet treats for a Halloween party or for your kiddos classroom.
Spooky Graveyard Halloween Cupcakes
To make them, bake your favorite cupcake recipe (ehmm, or buy a box mix – that’s what I did) and whip up a batch of your favorite frosting. Typically, for cupcakes I make a box mix for the cupcakes then whip up my vanilla bean buttercream frosting. It’s my little trick to making quick cupcakes but having them still taste homemade. For these Halloween cupcakes, I just went for the box mix and the can frosting because I wanted to focus my time on decorating them. Decorating these cupcakes is so easy and it just takes a little bit of imagination. I used white icing but you could used chocolate too! I crumbled some oreos for the dirt and then used mini Milano cookies for the headstones. They are the perfect size! I even used icing to write “RIP” on a few of the headstones. I also added some candy corn pumpkins (because they are my favorite). And what spooky graveyard is complete without some bloody bones? The bloody bones candy came from Target. They are so fun to decorate. I did each one a little bit different.
You can get creative and add in anything you’d like. How fun would it be to let the little ones help out with the decorating part of the Halloween cupcakes?
I hope you enjoy making these fun spooky graveyard Halloween cupcakes for your upcoming Halloween festivities!
For more Halloween inspiration you might want to check out:
Oh Chelsea these are seriously soo adorable. Pinning them!! Have a great weekend:)
These are too cute! I would love to do something like this for my Halloween party, I will bake them, and people can decorate them! Thank you for sharing these spooky treats!
Keep it thrifty
Oh my goodness, I almost made cupcakes just like that for a blog hop! Monika suggested using those cookies as tombstones as well. Too funny! They are adorable!