This and That

It’s spring break week for my girls! Every day last week I vowed that I would sleep in this week because sleep. Alas, that hasn’t happened yet and tomorrow isn’t looking good either. I absolutely love having the girls home during spring break. Matt’s spring break coincided with the girls’ and he got home last Friday. We had planned on a Disney trip for a few days to let the girls go nuts and make some memories. It was definitely a memorable trip.


Since moving to Jacksonville, we’ve fallen in love with Disney World. I had never been as a kid, although I have been to Disneyland many times, so it’s wonderful sharing these memories with our girls. Millie is at the perfect age (2) for Disney. She loves the characters and the rides.

For our spring break trip, we decided to go down on Sunday morning and stay through Tuesday with plans to head home Tuesday afternoon. We spent the majority of our first day at Animal Kingdom which was such a treat.

We haven’t spent too much time at this park so there was a lot of new things we got to see and do. Millie absolutely loved the Safari ride and both girls enjoyed meeting Doc McStuffins and petting animals at the petting zoo. We also visited Magic Kindgom and Epcot during our visit but it was cut a little short because of weather. We ended up heading home first thing Tuesday morning because of the threat of major thunderstorms.

We’re annual passholders to Disney so if you have specific questions about Disney or would like to see a post about our Disney experience, let me know!

Finding the Perfect Shorts

I shared on Instagram Stories last week about the perfect jeans shorts I found. I was excited about them then but after wearing them around Disney for 10+ hours, I can really rave about them now. They are less than $50 and so comfy. They’re high-waisted, so on trend plus they stay put (win win). I love the frayed hem and you can wear them folded up or down.

Peighton is legit riding a bike on two wheels

I don’t know if this is blog worthy but I’m pretty dang excited about it. Over Christmas, Peighton got a “bike with pedals” after having had a balance bike for the previous two years. She quickly learned how to pedal and this week asked Matt to remove the training wheels. Literally, within fifteen minutes the kid was riding all over our culdesac on two wheels. I’m a firm believer that the balance bike she had cruised around in before helped prepare her for such a quick transition. She really learned how to steer and balance way before she had to learn to pedal so removing the training wheels was very smooth.

Heading to Vegas

You may or may not know, but Matt and I are both from Las Vegas. We’re heading back next month for a quick trip to visit family. This will be my first trip back since before Millie was born which is crazy to think about. We’re all super excited but I’m feeling pretty anxious about traveling with the girls. This will be Millie’s first plane ride and she’s a little unpredictable. I would love any traveling tips you might have for long plane rides with toddlers!


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  1. Our kids (now 10 and 8) are frequent flyers. The kids love to read but their novels are a bit bulky to carry. Instead, I pack tons of snacks, and the Hubbs downloads Netflix movies to their ipads. We also spend the early check-in time plane spotting and people watching. For a particularly long flight to Europe last summer, we purchased tons of tiny board games from Dollar Tree (the ones that come in a resealable case), coloring books, and crayons for variety.

    Enjoy your trip home and hope you guys make tons of wonderful memories!

    1. Great tips! Last time we flew, I don’t remember being able to download movies on the ipad so I’m happy to have that option this go around!