Weekends are for waffles

This weekend P had her first sleepover (insert my mama heart just burst in two because my baby is so big) and I’m pretty sure it was all that she could have ever imagined. Making homemade pizzas, decorating cupcakes, playing games, and running around squealing. They stayed up late and woke up early and I even overheard P’s friend tell her, “this is the best sleepover ever.” And she replied, “I know, right?” I mean, are we sure she’s only 5? Since the girls started their morning at 6:30 am, I grabbed all the coffee and hid in the kitchen to make waffles. I absolutely love slow weekend mornings and making a breakfast that doesn’t include Cheerios. Waffles are my go-to weekend breakfast treat because weekends are for waffles, I say. The girls love to pick their own toppings.

With an extra darling little girl in the house, waffle breakfast was the perfect breakfast treat.

I always slice some bananas, and set out some berries. My girls love strawberries, and when they’re in season we do raspberries and blackberries as well. And it’s not a weekend treat without some chocolate chips.

Or homemade whipped cream.

I just let them build their own little waffles and they always have the best time making their own creations.

And I have the best time chatting with them about who’s LOL doll is the cutest, and which Shopkin season is my favorite.

What I especially love is that years from now, we’ll have incredible memories of weekends with waffles and tons of laughs. I hope you had a great weekend!


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  1. P is getting SO big! Both of your girls are! I have the best memories from sleepovers growing up. So crazy that you’re already diving into that stage!